Cyber Security BLOG

Cyber Security insight and all you need to know about cyber security fresh from our team of experienced consultants and guest writers.  Covering everything from opinion to regulations and training you won’t need any other cyber security blog!

White Teaming

White teaming is a simulated cyber-attack exercise designed to test and improve an organisation’s security posture and incident response capabilities. It involves three key players:  Red Team: Ethical hackers playing the role of attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in...

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Supply Chain and 3rd party risk management

Supply Chain Management  In today’s hyper-connected world, supply chains are the lifeblood of global commerce. Many businesses rely on an extended network of suppliers to deliver products, systems, and services to enable them to deliver their product to their...

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Cyber Insurance benefits and limitations

Organisations in the United Kingdom are faced with a constant barrage of digital dangers where cyber threats lurk around every corner. Almost half of UK organisations fall victim to cyber security breaches every year, and all are faced with the challenges of building...

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“On the sofa” chat with Professor Buck Rogers

Darren Chapman, CyberScale’s founder and Principal Consultant and former Bank of England CISO, Professor Buck Rogers debate the role of a CISO within an organization We touch on how the role has changed from a guardian of an organisations network and infrastructure to...

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LastPass Security Incident – What should you do?

LastPass Advice Are you aware of the recent LastPass security incident?  That your password “vault” may have been in the hand of attackers?  Have you seen some of the news but aren’t quite clear on what it all means, or importantly, what you should do now?  Are you...

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Securing the Internet of Things

The phenomenal growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) has resulted in an incredibly large, never seen before, network of connected people and devices collecting, sharing and processing data.  Securing this information and the relatively new systems through which it is...

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Hiring a vCISO – their responsibilities and the benefits

In previous blog posts we’ve explored whether hiring a direct resource to support your cyber security strategy is the best approach, or whether outsourcing this role meets your needs.  Now let’s dive in a little deeper and look in to how putting in place a vCISO...

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Cyber Security Leadership

Let's take a quick look at cyber security leadership...Here’s an interesting question to ponder for a few minutes.  How much value do you place on 3 hours of your time as a business or organisational leader? Maybe you thought along the lines of “that’s nearly half a...

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Cyber security in the recruitment industry

Cyber criminals like to be able to target organisations where they can access large amounts of sensitive information and have a deep impact with the attack – the recruitment sector is a prime example.  Candidate data is the most valuable intellectual property asset...

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What triggers the need for cyber security training?

It’s not new news that all business leaders, and indeed employees, have a responsibility to protect themselves and the organisation from cyber threats targeting critical data. However, what remains an issue is the level at which businesses are investing in their...

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Webinar: Cyber security -why should I care?

In this webinar our Director & Principal Consultant Darren Chapman explores why cyber security is an area all businesses need to give consideration to, increasing your cyber resilience should be a key focus in the face of so many threats to your business.  He also...

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The human element of cyber security risk

Protection from cyber-attacks is often focused heavily on securing IT systems & devices and tightening processes.  Whilst both of these are vital elements of an effective security strategy, there is one other critical component of data & information security...

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Cyber resilience comes in many forms

Cyber resilience has become a hot topic as the prevalence of cyber threats now permeates all industries and sectors, no longer is it the preserve of high value targets – all organisations and businesses are targets, including schools, healthcare providers and critical...

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